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Interpretation of the "Key Work Plan for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia among Children and Adolescents in 2023"

1、 Member units of the National Joint Conference on Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents

Serial Number Key Tasks Responsible department Completion deadline
1 Issuing a notice to deploy the 6th and 7th National Myopia Prevention and Control Publicity and Education Month activities, strengthen school health education, and further create an atmosphere for myopia prevention and control publicity and education. Ministry of Education 2023 February and August.
2 Issued a notice to deploy the main information reporting work for vision monitoring of primary and secondary school students in the spring and autumn semesters of 2023. To guide local education administrative departments to supervise and ensure the implementation of the student health examination system and the vision monitoring system for each semester, timely record the results of vision monitoring in the electronic health records of children and adolescents, and report them to the national student physical health system as required. Ministry of Education 2023 February and August.
3 Deploy the assessment of the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents by provincial people's governments in 2022. Issue the work plan for the assessment of myopia in children and adolescents in 2023. Ministry of Education, National Health Commission, General Administration of Sport, State Administration for Market Regulation, National Health Commission March 2023
4 Hold the 4th meeting of the national joint conference mechanism for comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, promote the members of the joint conference mechanism to attach great importance to the protection of students' vision, effectively play the functions of the joint conference mechanism, and assign responsibilities according to key factors affecting vision health, carry out work with targeted measures. Members of the Joint Meeting Mechanism March 2023
5 Announcement of the third batch of national comprehensive reform pilot areas and pilot counties (cities, districts) for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Ministry of Education March 2023
6 Hold a special seminar on the construction of national reform pilot areas and pilot counties (cities, districts) for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, exchange and discuss experiences and practices, and continue to strengthen the deployment and promotion. Ministry of Education April 2023
7 Hold the third collective lesson for the second comprehensive prevention and control of myopia lecture group, and continue to promote the lecture work. Ministry of Education April 2023
8 Determine the myopia rate of children and adolescents in each province (autonomous region, municipality) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in 2022. National Health Commission, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention April 2023
9 Select and build around 30 children and adolescents myopia prevention and control bases. Ministry of Education April 2023
10 Report to the State Council and provide feedback to the provincial governments on the results of the 2021 myopia prevention and control evaluation and assessment. Ministry of Education, National Health Commission, General Administration of Sport, State Administration for Market Regulation, National Health Commission April to May 2023
11 Hold a special seminar on comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Ministry of Education April to June 2023
12 Issued a notice to deploy the 2023 National Eye Care Day activities, and deepen the publicity and education of nearsightedness prevention and control. National Health Commission May 2023
13 Issuing a notice to deploy and carry out the 2023 National Eye Care Day activities in the education system and organizing theme promotion events. Ministry of Education May to June 2023
14 Provide guidance to provincial education administrative departments to implement the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education and other five departments on comprehensively strengthening and improving the work of school health and health education in the new era", issue provincial-level documents, and deploy the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents as an important content. Ministry of Education December 2023
15 Guide local education administrative departments to ensure the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, continue to guide localities to implement requirements for after-school services, homework management, and examination management, strengthen big data monitoring, and prevent a rebound in the heavy academic burden of primary and secondary school students. Enrich the content of after-school services and fully leverage the role of after-school services in promoting the physical and mental health of students. Ministry of Education December 2023
16 Implement the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones for Primary and Secondary School Students" issued by the Ministry of Education, guide local education administrative departments to ensure that all levels and types of schools guide students to use electronic products in a scientific and standardized manner, cultivate good learning and eye health habits in the information environment. It is strictly prohibited for students to bring personal mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products into the classroom. Those brought into the school should be uniformly kept. Schools should use electronic products reasonably and based on demand, and teaching and homework assignments should not rely on electronic products. The use of electronic products for teaching should not exceed 30% of the total teaching time, and paper-based assignments should be used as a principle. Ministry of Education December 2023
17 Make good use of the platform for managing and serving primary and secondary schools, strengthen monitoring and management of students' homework, mobile phone use, and sleep. Promote special rectification work for children's phone watches, and guide students to develop good study and eye care habits in the information age. Ministry of Education December 2023
18 Implement and carry out the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Sleep Management of Primary and Secondary School Students" issued by the Office of the Ministry of Education, guide local education administrative departments to arrange school schedules reasonably, regulate students' homework time, guide students to manage their sleep well, strengthen scientific monitoring and research, and ensure that elementary school students sleep for 10 hours a day, junior high school students for 9 hours, and high school students for 8 hours. Ministry of Education December 2023
19 Implement the "Notice of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Management of Homework in Compulsory Education Schools," guide local education administrative departments to ensure that schools organize and arrange teaching activities strictly in accordance with the national curriculum plan and curriculum standards, and teach from "zero basis." No written homework is assigned for grades one and two of elementary school, and the completion time for written homework for grades three to six should not exceed 60 minutes, and for junior and senior high school, the time for homework should be reasonably arranged. Ministry of Education December 2023
20 Implement and carry out the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Examinations in Compulsory Education Schools" issued by the Office of the Ministry of Education, guide local education administrative departments to accurately grasp the function of examinations, significantly reduce the number of examinations, standardize the management of examination proposition, reasonably use examination results, improve the evaluation of the learning process, strengthen the monitoring of academic quality, improve the management and supervision mechanism, and regulate the educational and teaching behavior of schools. Resolutely control the number of unified school examinations in the compulsory education stage, and do not conduct paper-and-pencil examinations for the first and second grades of primary school. Each semester, the school should organize a final examination for other grades of compulsory education. For junior high school grades, based on the actual situation of different subjects, an appropriate mid-term examination can be arranged to effectively reduce the pressure of students' examinations. Ministry of Education December 2023
21 Implement the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Physical Health of Primary and Secondary School Students" issued by the Office of the Ministry of Education, guide local education administrative departments and schools to provide sufficient physical education and health classes, promote reforms in physical education teaching, and improve physical health monitoring and management systems. Ministry of Education December 2023
22 Guide local education administrative departments to ensure the improvement of teaching facilities and conditions, encourage the purchase of adjustable desks and chairs and posture correction devices that meet the standards, provide students with learning environments that meet the requirements of eye health, strictly implement the construction standards for ordinary primary and secondary schools and secondary vocational schools, and implement lighting and lighting requirements for classrooms, dormitories, libraries (reading rooms), etc., and use lighting equipment that is conducive to visual health. Accelerate the elimination of the problem of large class sizes and ensure that the lighting and sanitation standards in school classrooms reach 100%. Ministry of Education December 2023
23 Guide local education administrative departments to ensure that primary and secondary schools strictly organize all students to do eye exercises once in the morning and once in the afternoon every day. Organize and supervise students to engage in outdoor activities or look into the distance during class breaks in an orderly manner to prevent students from continuously fatiguing their eyes. Ministry of Education December 2023
24 Implementing the Opinions on Comprehensive Strengthening and Improvement of School Physical Education in the New Era and the Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Sports and Education to Promote the Comprehensive Development of Young People, guiding local education administrations to ensure that all levels and types of schools strengthen physical education and extracurricular exercise, and ensure that primary and secondary school students have more than one hour of physical activity time per day. Strictly implementing the national physical education and health curriculum standards, ensuring that the first and second grades of primary school have 4 lessons per week, grades 3 to 6 and junior high school have 3 lessons per week, and high school has 2 lessons per week. Schools at all levels should arrange 30 minutes of physical activity during the long break each day, and fully implement the system of physical education homework during winter and summer vacations, and supervise and check the completion of students. Ministry of Education December 2023
25 Guide local education administrative departments to ensure that all levels and types of schools rely on relevant courses to carry out health education, teach students the importance and methods of protecting their vision, and improve their awareness and ability to actively protect their vision. Train and develop health education teachers, and develop and expand health education curriculum resources. Support and encourage students to establish health education clubs and carry out peer education on vision health. Ministry of Education December 2023
26 Guiding local education authorities to ensure that all schools at all levels carry out in-depth mental and labor education for primary and secondary school students, strengthen cooperation between families and schools, guide parents to provide good family education, and urge parents to fulfill their guardianship responsibilities, liberating children from mobile phones and the internet, helping them develop healthy lifestyles, and strengthening the prevention and control of myopia. Ministry of Education December 2023
27 Guide local education authorities to ensure that primary and secondary schools establish a visual health management team that includes school leaders, class teachers, school doctors (health teachers), parent representatives, student visual health protection commissioners, and volunteers, and clarify and refine their responsibilities. Integrate knowledge of myopia prevention and control into classroom teaching, campus culture, and student daily behavior norms. Strengthen the strength of school hospitals, clinics (health rooms, health clinics, etc.), equip schools with doctors, necessary medical equipment and related monitoring and inspection equipment according to the standards. Ministry of Education December 2023
28 Ensure that children have at least 2 hours of outdoor activities every day. Provide children with a nutritious and vision-healthy diet to promote visual protection. Guide teachers and parents to control the use of the internet and electronic products by young children. Ministry of Education December 2023
29 Accelerate the revision of the "Regulations on School Health Work" and the "Guidelines for Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools", etc. Ministry of Education, National Health Commission, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention. December 2023
30 Strengthen the construction of existing health care institutions in primary and secondary schools, and strengthen personnel and equipment according to standards and requirements. Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security December 2023
31 Continue to support experts and scholars in colleges and universities to conduct research on the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Give full play to the guiding role of the Philosophy and Social Science Research Project of the Ministry of Education, and fully utilize the advantages of theoretical research in colleges and universities to contribute wisdom and strength to the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Ministry of Education December 2023
32 Continue to guide experts and scholars in colleges and universities to write policy advisory reports on the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Make full use of the information submission channels of the Ministry of Education, select and submit a series of high-quality research reports, actively serve the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, and provide strong support for the decision-making of the Party and the government. Ministry of Education December 2023
33 Strengthen the guidance work of the Engineering Research Center for Myopia Prevention and Control and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Industry-University-Research Cooperation in the Optical Industry, and strengthen operation and management to further serve the optical industry and provide support for the comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Ministry of Education December 2023
34 Encourage universities, especially medical colleges and universities and higher normal colleges and universities, to establish majors related to optometry, health management, and health education, and vigorously train specialized personnel in myopia prevention and control, vision health management, and health education teachers. Develop and release professional introductions and teaching standards for myopia prevention and control in stages, and timely incorporate new technologies, new processes, and new standards into courses and teaching contents to accelerate the cultivation of specialized personnel in myopia prevention and control. Ministry of Education December 2023
35 Carry out a nationwide survey on the staffing situation of full-time health technicians such as school doctors, and focus on solving the problems of insufficient numbers of full-time health technicians and related equipment. 教育部、国家卫生健康委、人力资源社会保障部、国家疾控局 December 2023
36 Organize and implement the "14th Five-Year Plan" for eye health, focusing on children and adolescents as the key target population, promoting high-quality development of eye health throughout the entire lifecycle of the population, strengthening prevention and treatment of key eye diseases in key populations, and improving the level of myopia correction. National Health Commission, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) December 2023
37 Comprehensively strengthen myopia monitoring and evaluation. On the basis of full coverage at the municipal level, strive to achieve full coverage of myopia monitoring for students in counties (districts), and use monitoring results as data support for evaluation and assessment. In-depth analysis of monitoring data, provide targeted suggestions, and classify guidance to ensure that various regions implement comprehensive prevention and control measures more accurately and effectively. National Health Commission, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) December 2023
38 Based on early detection and intervention, guide all regions to implement the "Service Specification for Eye Health and Vision Examination for Children Aged 0-6" and focus on young children to strengthen eye health management for children aged 0-6, ensuring that the coverage rate of eye health and vision examinations for children aged 0-6 reaches more than 90% annually. Actively summarize the information technology experience mode of visual health management in various regions, and gradually improve the electronic files of visual health for children aged 0-6 based on electronic health records. National Health Commission December 2023
39 Continue to exert the combined efforts of health supervision, deploy and do well in the random inspections of lighting and illumination in classrooms (teaching places) of schools, kindergartens, and off-campus training institutions in 2023, consolidate the implementation of the "Notice on Further Regulating the Correction of Myopia for Children and Adolescents and Strengthening Supervision and Inspection" (National Health Office Supervision and Inspection [2019] No.11), and carry out supervision and inspection on the implementation of the "Hygienic Requirements for Myopia Prevention and Control of Children's Learning Supplies" to promote schools to improve teaching hygiene conditions. In response to the chaotic situation in the market of myopia correction for children and adolescents, jointly strengthen supervision and law enforcement with relevant departments, regulate myopia correction services, and effectively safeguard the eye health rights and interests of children and adolescents. National Health Commission, Ministry of Education, State Administration for Market Regulation, National Health Commission December 2023
40 Promote standardized training for ophthalmology resident physicians, strengthen the construction of training bases and teaching staff, and improve the quality of ophthalmologists' training. Increase the efforts in continuing education in ophthalmology, strengthen the training of medical personnel's myopia prevention and control knowledge and skills, and improve the level of myopia prevention and control for adolescents. Promote the training of county-level children's health personnel, strengthen training on eye health-related content, and enhance the training of professionals in myopia prevention and control. National Health Commission December 2023
41 Expand typical demonstration effects, strengthen "one-to-one" professional guidance for the 357 suitable technology pilot counties (districts) for myopia prevention and control nationwide, timely summarize advanced experiences and achievements, collect excellent cases, and promote them nationwide. National Health Commission, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) December 2023
42 Carry out comprehensive social mobilization, continuously conduct public eye health education, organize authoritative experts to write a series of popular science works, and jointly use various media channels to carry out popular science publicity and education on preventing myopia in children and adolescents, and provide scientific and professional health consultations and services for the public. National Health Commission, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) December 2023
43 Update, develop, and publish policies for promoting youth sports and physical health, and further guarantee the prevention and control of myopia from the top-level design. State General Administration of Sport December 2023
44 Continuously promote scientific fitness guidance and popularization work, establish a platform for research, promotion, and training of children and adolescent sports promotion and health, promote community sports health center pilot work, and lay a foundation for the widespread guidance of scientific fitness for youth. State General Administration of Sport December 2023
45 Continue to carry out theme fitness activities for children and adolescents, adhere to the principles of covering the grassroots and being accessible to all, promote the regular organization of youth sports winter (summer) camps, sports events, skills exhibitions, fitness popularization, sports and cultural propaganda, and other activities. State General Administration of Sport December 2023
46 Reasonably allocate resources, actively support relevant departments to carry out comprehensive prevention and control work of myopia in children and adolescents. Ministry of Finance December 2023
47 Deepen the reform of the professional title system, improve the evaluation policies for school doctors, health teachers, and health education teachers, organize and implement the professional qualification examination for ophthalmic technicians, and strengthen the construction of talent teams for preventing and controlling myopia in children and adolescents. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, National Health Commission, National Health Commission December 2023
48 Continuously strengthen supervision, guide and encourage eyewear manufacturing and retailing places to strengthen internal metrological management, continuously improve the legal metrological consciousness. Through supervision and spot checks, risk monitoring, and other means, further strengthen the quality supervision of myopia prevention-related products. Support and guide relevant certification agencies to vigorously promote eye and optometric products and optometric services certification, and use a high-level certification system to guarantee the prevention and control of myopia. Continuously strengthen the supervision of medical device quality and ensure product quality and safety. Continuously rectify false and illegal myopia prevention and control products and advertisements, and actively guide enterprises to operate in compliance with laws and regulations. State Administration for Market Regulation December 2023
49 Combining current consumption hotspots and difficulties related to children and adolescent visual protection, deploying comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents through means such as issuing consumer warning prompts, building online consumer education bases, and organizing comparative tests, optimizing children and adolescent consumer experience. Remind parents to pay attention to their children's eye health, choose appropriate products or services for their children, and correct their children's incorrect eye habits in a timely manner. State Administration for Market Regulation, Ministry of Education, National Health Commission, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention December 2023
50 Strictly implement the spirit of the "Notice on Further Strictly Managing and Effectively Preventing Minors from Addiction to Online Games", continue to strengthen the management of online games, optimize the real-name authentication system, solidly promote anti-addiction work, actively guide minors to improve their online literacy, and form good internet habits. Central Propaganda Department December 2023
51 Strengthen the guidance on the publication of juvenile literature, continuously regulate the printing and publishing of juvenile literature, select a batch of high-quality audio books for young people, actively guide young people to use their eyes scientifically and protect their vision. Central Propaganda Department December 2023
52 Utilize the role of broadcasting, television, newspapers, the internet, new media, and other forms, use public service advertisements, and promote multi-level and multi-angle knowledge on myopia prevention and control, continuously enhance the awareness of students, parents, and the whole society in eye health care, and create a good environment for the vision health of children and adolescents. Central Propaganda Department, National Radio and Television Administration, Ministry of Education, National Health Commission, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Central Committee of the Communist Youth League December 2023
53 Strengthen the awareness of "each individual is responsible for their own health" in every student. Actively learn and master health knowledge such as scientific eye care, develop healthy habits, and promote it to parents. Guide every student to actively pay attention to their own visual health, timely inform parents and teachers when there is a significant change in their vision, and go to regular medical institutions for examination and treatment as soon as possible. Ministry of Education, National Health Commission, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, All-China Women's Federation. December 2023
54 Include the work of myopia prevention and control for children and adolescents, the overall myopia rate, and physical fitness status into government performance evaluations, strictly prohibit local governments at all levels from evaluating education administrative departments and schools based solely on student test scores and school enrollment rates. Ministry of Education December 2023
55 Hold accountable local governments and schools that have seen a continuous decline in the physical fitness level of children and adolescents for three consecutive years in accordance with laws and regulations. Ministry of Education December 2023
56 Incorporate visual health into quality education, and incorporate children's physical and mental health and academic burden into the national compulsory education quality monitoring and evaluation system. Ministry of Education December 2023
57 Implement laws and policy documents such as the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors," the "Medium- and Long-Term Plan for Youth Development (2016-2025)," and the "Outline of China's Children's Development (2021-2030)," strengthen the work of myopia prevention and control for children and adolescents, and form macro policy guidance. Central Committee of the Communist Youth League December 2023
58 Leverage the organizational and new media matrix advantages of the Communist Youth League, innovate propaganda methods, strengthen targeted propaganda, focus on children under 15 years old and their parents, and carry out work such as guiding concepts, popularizing common knowledge, and teaching methods to create a good social atmosphere. Central Committee of the Communist Youth League December 2023
59 Continue to carry out theme activities to cultivate healthy eye habits for teenagers in practical education. Deepen the "Youth Love Sports, Strong China's Health" national fitness campaign, and launch normalized national fitness online check-in activities with the theme of "Youth Sports Diary", ensuring children and teenagers have sufficient time for physical activities and guiding them to form a healthy lifestyle of eye protection. Central Committee of the Communist Youth League December 2023
60 Increase the publicity efforts of comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and teenagers on radio and television media and online audio-visual platforms, focus on improving the effectiveness of relevant work promotion and reporting activities such as myopia prevention and control propaganda and education month, and improve the quality of publicity and reporting to create a good social atmosphere of scientific eye protection, active support, and participation in myopia prevention and control for children and teenagers. State Administration of Radio, Film and Television December 2023
61 Give full play to the role of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and control of myopia, promote the orderly implementation of pilot projects of appropriate traditional Chinese medicine techniques for the prevention and control of myopia in children and teenagers in various regions, evaluate their effectiveness and further promote their demonstration. National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Health Commission, and National Center for Disease Control and Prevention December 2023
62 Guide and carry out traditional Chinese medicine interventions for myopia in teenagers. Continue to do a good job in popularizing traditional Chinese medicine for the prevention and control of myopia in children and teenagers. National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine December 2023
63 Strengthen the promotion of research on traditional Chinese medicine for the prevention and treatment of myopia, promote the application and popularization of research results and technology in the prevention and treatment of myopia using traditional Chinese medicine. Guide the implementation of relevant projects in the National Key R&D Program "Research on Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and the key project "Research on Effective Methods, Techniques, and Supporting Products for the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Teenagers by Combining Chinese and Western Medicine" and the "Special Project for the Inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine Literature and Characteristic Techniques," and promote the transformation and application of relevant research results. National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine December 2023
64 Continuously organize and implement the key special project of "Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning", focus on the research of precise intervention techniques and strategies for children's myopia, and support the innovation and development of technologies and products for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Ministry of Science and Technology December 2023
65 Strengthen the construction of national clinical medical research centers and other scientific and technological innovation bases, carry out multi-center clinical research, technical training, and promotion around the protection of children's health and the prevention and control of myopia in adolescents, improve the overall level of treatment and medical service capabilities. Ministry of Science and Technology December 2023
66 Handle social organizations that violate laws and regulations in carrying out activities related to the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents according to law. Ministry of Civil Affairs December 2023
67 Based on its functions, provide guidance on family education for the prevention and control of myopia, link with health departments, actively leverage the professional advantages of medical staff, and carry out health education, health clinics, and other activities for parents and children in urban and rural communities, help parents and children learn about myopia prevention and other health knowledge, and enhance their awareness of myopia prevention and control. All-China Women's Federation December 2023
68 Continue to guide women's federations at all levels to carry out colorful theme activities such as children's physical exercise and voluntary labor, attract children to participate in outdoor activities, and reduce the use of electronic products. All-China Women's Federation December 2023
69 Improve the whole-chain research platform for light and visual health, using adolescent monkeys as experimental animals. Continue to study the impact characteristics and mechanisms of light on the structure and function of the visual system, provide scientific basis for establishing early diagnostic methods and formulating more effective measures for myopia prevention and control. Continue to study the causes and development of myopia in different time and space scales and multidimensional environmental factors, the twin study of myopia mechanisms, and the research on functional damage and regulation of myopia. Chinese Academy of Sciences December 2023
70 Continue to develop key technologies for active light health that meet the needs of visual health, such as myopia prevention and control, and lay a foundation for achieving higher levels of comprehensive myopia prevention and control. Expand the application range of lighting fixtures that reduce the incidence of myopia, and promote their wider application in learning environments such as schools and families. Chinese Academy of Sciences December 2023

2、Relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Education

Serial Number Key Tasks Responsible department Completion deadline
1 Issued a notice to deploy the 6th and 7th National Myopia Prevention and Control Publicity and Education Month activities, strengthen school health education, and further create an atmosphere of myopia prevention and control publicity and education. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department February and August 2023
2 Issued a notice to do a good job in the submission of key information on visual acuity monitoring of primary and secondary school students during the spring and autumn semesters of 2023. Guided local education administrative departments to supervise and ensure the implementation of the student health examination system and the visual acuity monitoring system every semester, timely record the results of visual acuity monitoring into the electronic file of children and adolescents' visual health, and report it to the National Student Physical Fitness and Health System as required. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department February and August 2023
3 Deployed the evaluation and assessment of the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents by provincial governments in 2022. Issued the 2023 program for the evaluation and assessment of myopia in children and adolescents. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department March 2023
4 Convened the fourth meeting of the national joint conference mechanism for the comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, promoting the member units of the joint conference mechanism to attach great importance to the protection of primary and secondary school students' visual health, effectively play the role of the joint conference mechanism, and carry out targeted work on key factors affecting visual acuity. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department March 2023
5 Announced the third batch of national comprehensive prevention and control of myopia reform pilot areas and pilot counties (cities and districts). National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department March 2023
6 Organized a national seminar on the construction of the reform pilot areas and pilot counties (cities and districts) for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, exchanged and discussed experiences and practices, and continued to strengthen deployment and promotion. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department April 2023
7 Hold the third collective lesson for the second comprehensive prevention and control of myopia lecture team, and continue to promote the lecture work. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department April 2023
8 Select and establish about 30 myopia prevention and control bases for children and adolescents. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department April 2023
9 Report the results of the 2021 myopia prevention and control assessment to the State Council and provide feedback to provincial governments. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department April to May 2023
10 Hold a special seminar on comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department April to June 2023
11 Issue a notice to deploy the 2023 national Eye Care Day activities in the education system, and hold theme promotion activities. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department May to June 2023
12 Guide provincial education departments to implement the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education and four other departments on comprehensively strengthening and improving the work of school health and health education in the new era", issue provincial-level documents, and deploy myopia prevention and control for children and adolescents as an important content. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department December 2023
13 Guide local education departments to ensure the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, continue to guide various regions to implement requirements for after-school services, homework management, and exam management, strengthen big data monitoring, and prevent a rebound in the heavy academic burden of primary and secondary school students. Enrich the content of after-school services and give full play to the role of after-school services in promoting students' physical and mental health development. Basic Education Department、Supervision Department December 2023
14 Implement the "Notice of the Ministry of Education Office on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones for Primary and Secondary School Students", guide local education departments to ensure that all levels and types of schools guide students to use electronic products scientifically and in accordance with regulations, and develop good habits of learning and eye hygiene in an informationized environment. It is strictly prohibited for students to bring personal mobile phones, tablets, and other electronic products into the classroom. If they are brought to school, they should be uniformly stored. The school should use electronic products reasonably based on demand, and teaching and homework assignments should not rely on electronic products. The length of time using electronic products for teaching should not exceed 30% of the total teaching time, and paper homework should be used as much as possible. Basic Education Department、Vocational Education Department、Science and Technology Department December 2023
15 Make good use of the management and service platform for primary and secondary schools, strengthen monitoring of student homework, mobile phone use, and sleep management. Promote the special rectification of children's phone watches, and guide students to develop good learning and eye habits in the digital environment. Basic Education Department、Science and Technology Department December 2023
16 Implement the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening the Management of Sleep among Primary and Secondary School Students," and guide local education administrative departments to arrange school schedules reasonably, regulate student homework time, guide students to manage their sleep, strengthen scientific monitoring and research. Primary school students should sleep for 10 hours a day, junior high school students for 9 hours, and high school students for 8 hours. Basic Education Department, National Office for Prevention of Myopia, Physical Education, Health and Art Department, Vocational Education Department, Supervision Bureau, etc. December 2023
17 Implement the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Management of Homework in Compulsory Education Schools," and guide local education administrative departments to ensure that schools organize and arrange teaching activities strictly according to the national curriculum plan and curriculum standards, strictly implement "zero starting point" normal teaching, and not assign written homework to first and second-grade primary school students. For third to sixth-grade students, written homework should not exceed 60 minutes, for junior high school students, it should not exceed 90 minutes, and high school students' homework time should be reasonably arranged. Basic Education Department, Textbook Bureau, Vocational Education Department, etc. December 2023
18 Implement the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening the Management of Physical Health of Primary and Secondary School Students," and guide local education administrative departments and schools to provide high-quality physical education and health courses, promote physical education reform, do a good job of physical health monitoring, and improve the physical health management system. National Anti-Myopia Office, Physical Education, Health and Art Department, Basic Education Department, Vocational Education Department, and Supervision Bureau. December 2023
19 Implement the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Management of Examinations in Compulsory Education Schools," and guide local education administrative departments to accurately grasp the function of examinations, greatly reduce the number of exams, regulate examination proposition management, reasonably use examination results, improve the evaluation of learning processes, strengthen the monitoring of academic quality, improve management and supervision mechanisms, and regulate educational and teaching behaviors in schools. Control the number of unified exams in compulsory education, and do not conduct written exams for first and second-grade primary school students. Other grades in compulsory education will have one final exam organized by the school each semester. For junior high school grades, a mid-term exam can be arranged based on the actual situation of different subjects, to effectively reduce students' exam pressure. Department of Basic Education, Inspectorate General December 2023
20 Guide local education administrative departments to improve teaching facilities and conditions, encourage the purchase of adjustable desks and chairs and posture correctors that meet standards, provide students with learning environments that meet eye health requirements, and implement lighting and lighting requirements for classrooms, dormitories, and libraries (reading rooms) in accordance with the construction standards of ordinary primary and secondary schools and secondary vocational schools. Use lighting equipment that is conducive to visual health. Accelerate the elimination of large class sizes, and ensure that the lighting and sanitation standards of school classrooms are 100%. The Department of Basic Education, the Department of Vocational Education, the Department of Finance, and the Inspectorate, etc. December 2023
21 Guidance should be given to local education administrative departments to ensure that primary and secondary schools strictly organize all students to do eye exercises once in the morning and once in the afternoon every day. Orderly organization and supervision of students to engage in outdoor activities or far-sighted views during breaks to prevent continuous eye fatigue. National Anti-narcotics Office, Physical Education and Health Art Department, Basic Education Department, Vocational Education Department, etc. December 2023
22 The opinions on comprehensively strengthening and improving school sports work in the new era and promoting comprehensive development of young people through the deepening of integration of sports and education should be implemented. Guidance should be given to local education administrative departments to ensure that all levels and types of schools strengthen physical education and health classes and extracurricular exercise, ensuring that primary and secondary school students have at least one hour of physical activity time while at school every day. The national sports and health curriculum standards should be strictly implemented, ensuring that primary school first and second grades have four class hours per week, grades three to six and junior high school have three class hours per week, and high school have two class hours per week. Primary and secondary schools should arrange 30 minutes of physical activity during the long break each day. The system of summer and winter vacation physical homework for students should be fully implemented, with supervision to ensure completion. National Anti-narcotics Office, Physical Education and Health Art Department, Basic Education Department, Vocational Education Department, etc. December 2023
23 Guidance should be given to local education administrative departments to ensure that all levels and types of schools carry out health education based on relevant courses, teach students the importance and methods of protecting their vision, and improve their awareness and ability to protect their vision. Health education teachers should be trained and developed, and health education curriculum resources should be expanded. Support should be given to encourage students to establish health education societies and carry out peer education on vision health. National Anti-drug Office, Physical, Health and Art Education Department, Basic Education Department, Vocational Education Department, Teacher Education Department, Textbook Bureau. December 2023
24 Guidance should be given to local education administrative departments to ensure that primary and secondary schools deeply carry out mental health education and labor education, strengthen home-school collaboration, guide parents to do a good job in family education, urge parents to fulfill their guardianship responsibilities, free children from mobile phones and the internet, help children develop healthy lifestyles, and strengthen myopia prevention and control. National Anti-narcotics Office, Physical Education and Health Art Department, Basic Education Department, Vocational Education Department, etc. December 2023
25 Guidance should be given to local education administrative departments to ensure that primary and secondary schools establish a vision health management team composed of school leaders, class teachers, school doctors (health education teachers), parent representatives, student vision protection committee members, and volunteers, clearly defining and refining their responsibilities. Myopia prevention and control knowledge should be integrated into classroom teaching, campus culture, and student daily behavior standards. School hospitals and clinics (health clinics, health centers, etc.) should be strengthened with standard-equipped school doctors, necessary medical equipment and related monitoring and inspection equipment. National Office for Education Inspection, Physical Education, Health and Art Department, Teacher Department. December 2023
26 Children should be guaranteed to engage in outdoor activities for at least two hours every day. Nutritious and eye-healthy diets should be provided for children to promote vision protection. Teachers and parents should be guided to control the use of the internet and electronic products by young children. Supervision Bureau, National Office for Myopia Prevention, Sports, Health and Arts Education Center, Basic Education Department, etc. December 2023
27 The revision of the "Regulations on School Health Work" and "Guidelines for Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools" should be accelerated. National Myopia Prevention Office, Sports, Health and Art Department, Political and Legal Affairs Department, etc. December 2023
28 Strengthen the construction of existing primary and secondary school health care institutions and enhance personnel and equipment allocation according to standards and requirements. National Office for Myopia Prevention and Control, Department of Sports, Health, Art and Finance, etc. December 2023
29 Encourage universities, especially medical and normal universities, to establish majors related to optometry and health management, and vigorously cultivate specialized talents and health education teachers in myopia prevention and control and vision health management. Develop and release professional introductions and teaching standards for myopia prevention and control in stages and in batches, timely incorporating new technologies, processes, and standards into the curriculum and teaching content, and accelerating the training of professionals in myopia prevention and control. Department of Higher Education, Department of Vocational Education, Department of Graduate Education, etc. December 2023
30 Continue to support university experts and scholars in conducting research on the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Play the guiding role of the Ministry of Education's philosophy and social science research projects, fully utilize the advantages of theoretical research in universities, and contribute wisdom and strength to the work of preventing and controlling myopia in children and adolescents. Department of Social Sciences December 2023
31 Continuously guide university experts and scholars to write advisory and policy reports on the work of preventing and controlling myopia in children and adolescents. Make full use of the Ministry of Education's information submission channels, select and submit a series of high-quality research reports, actively serve the work of preventing and controlling myopia in children and adolescents, and provide strong support for Party and government decision-making. Department of Social Sciences December 2023
32 Strengthen the guidance work of the engineering research center for myopia prevention and treatment and the collaborative innovation center jointly built by the industry and provincial and ministerial levels in the optometry industry, strengthen operational management, further serve the optometry industry, and provide support for comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Science and Technology Department December 2023
33 Conduct a national survey on the allocation of full-time health technical personnel such as school doctors in schools, focusing on solving the problem of insufficient numbers of full-time health technical personnel and related equipment allocation. National Office for Myopia Prevention and Control, Department of Sports, Health, Art, and Education Supervision, Department of Teachers, etc. December 2023
34 Continuously play the joint role of health supervision, deploy random inspections of lighting and illumination in classrooms (teaching venues) of schools, kindergartens, and extracurricular training institutions in 2023, promote the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the Health Requirements for Myopia Prevention and Control in Learning Supplies for Children and Adolescents, and promote schools to improve teaching hygiene conditions. In response to the problems of disorderly practices in the correction market for myopia in children and adolescents, jointly strengthen supervision and law enforcement with relevant departments, regulate myopia correction services, and effectively protect the eye health rights and interests of children and adolescents. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department December 2023
35 Reasonably allocate resources and actively support relevant departments to carry out comprehensive prevention and control work for myopia in children and adolescents. finance division December 2023
36 Deepen the reform of the professional title system, promote the improvement of teacher title classification and evaluation in various regions, carry out teacher title review well, and promote the professional development of school doctors, health education teachers, and health teachers. Teachers' Department, National Proximity Prevention Office, Sports and Health Arts Department, etc December 2023
37 Leverage the roles of broadcasting, television, newspapers, networks, and new media, use public service advertisements and other forms to promote knowledge of myopia prevention and control at multiple levels and angles, continuously improve the awareness of eye protection among students, parents, and the whole society, and create a favorable environment for the visual health of children and adolescents. National Proximity Prevention Office, Sports and Health Department, News Office, etc December 2023
38 Educate each student to strengthen the awareness of "everyone is responsible for their own health." Actively learn and master scientific eye care and other health knowledge, cultivate healthy habits, and promote to parents. Guide each student to actively pay attention to their own visual condition, and timely inform parents and teachers when they feel obvious changes in their vision, and seek medical treatment at formal medical institutions as early as possible. National Proximity Prevention Office and Sports and Health Department December 2023
39 Incorporate the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, the overall myopia rate, and physical health status into government performance evaluation, strictly prohibit local governments at all levels from evaluating education administrative departments and schools solely based on student test scores and school admission rates. Local governments and schools that have seen a continuous decline in the physical health level of children and adolescents for three years should be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations. Supervision Bureau December 2023
40 Incorporate visual health into quality education and include the physical and mental health of children and adolescents and academic burden into the national compulsory education quality monitoring and evaluation system. Supervision Bureau December 2023
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