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Interpretation of the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents (2021-2025)

On April 30, 2021, to strengthen the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents and promote their visual health, the "Bright Action" was launched, which is a matter of concern for the central government, the public, and society as a whole. With the approval of the State Council, in August 2018, the Ministry of Education and eight other departments jointly issued the "Comprehensive Implementation Plan for the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents" (Jiao Ti Yi [2018] No. 3), which has achieved positive progress and results in myopia prevention and control among children and adolescents since then.


In the first half of 2020, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning time for children and adolescents increased, and outdoor activities decreased, posing challenges to myopia prevention and control. In order to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, and to push forward the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents with unwavering efforts, pragmatic and effective measures, the Ministry of Education and fifteen other departments jointly developed the "Bright Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents (2021-2025)", proposing targeted myopia prevention and control measures based on the actual situations of different stages of children and adolescents, different types of schools, and different regions, in order to reduce the incidence of new myopia, slow down the progression of myopia, and reduce the rate of severe myopia.


The "Bright Action" proposes to rally the efforts of various parties, including the government, schools, medical and health institutions, students, families, and society, to take multiple measures, allocate responsibilities, act in unison, and jointly promote the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents.


The "Bright Action" also calls for mobilizing the enthusiasm of the medical industry, universities, scientific research institutes, and enterprises, to conduct in-depth research on myopia prevention and control, accelerate research on myopia influencing factors and interventions, correction, and education, and timely improve myopia prevention and control strategies, technical standards, and intervention measures.


Officials from the Ministry of Education stated that the development of the "Bright Action" plan integrated the experience gained during the fight against the pandemic. In the first half of 2020, online learning time for children and adolescents increased, and outdoor activities decreased, posing challenges to myopia prevention and control.


To overcome the impact of the epidemic, the Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, standardized students' online learning, strengthened outdoor physical activities, and enhanced myopia prevention and control publicity and guidance, accumulating a large amount of effective experience and practices in myopia prevention and control. The "Bright Action" further summarizes and consolidates these experience and practices, solidifying them into a long-term mechanism for myopia prevention and control.


According to reports, the Ministry of Education and fifteen other departments will focus on key areas, core elements, and key links in the prevention and control of myopia, and jointly launch eight special actions.


First, guide students to consciously love and protect their eyes. Education should strengthen the awareness that "everyone is the first responsible person for their own health" for each student. Actively learn and master healthy knowledge such as scientific eye protection, develop healthy habits, and promote them to parents.


Second, reduce students' academic burden. Guide families to effectively reduce their children's academic burden in cooperation with schools, avoid blindly participating in extracurricular training and following the trend of taking classes, and choose reasonably according to their children's interests and hobbies.


Third, strengthen outdoor activities and physical exercise. Focus on ensuring that students have one hour of physical activity both inside and outside the school every day. Encourage schools in the basic education stage to offer one physical education class every day.


Fourth, use electronic products scientifically and properly. Guide localities to implement the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones in Primary and Secondary Schools" and ensure that mobile phones are limited to entering campuses and are prohibited in classrooms, forming a joint force between families and schools to educate students.


Fifth, implement visual health monitoring. Establish a database for monitoring the visual health of children and adolescents, conduct dynamic national monitoring of the visual health of children and adolescents every year, and strive to achieve full coverage of monitoring myopia among children and adolescents in counties/districts.


Sixth, improve students' visual environment. Guide localities to improve teaching facilities and conditions, implement lighting and lighting requirements for classrooms, dormitories, libraries (reading rooms), etc., and encourage the purchase of adjustable desks and chairs and posture correction devices that meet standards.


Seventh, improve the quality of professional guidance and correction. Give full play to the advantages of hospitals in the field, continuously improve the eye health service capabilities, and make full use of the scientific research strength of universities and research institutes to carry out research on the prevention and control of myopia, and strengthen the application of research results and technologies in the prevention and treatment of myopia.


Eighth, strengthen visual health education. Based on the development of compulsory education stage educational video courses, establish a national children and adolescents' visual health education resource library. Support and encourage students to establish healthy sports clubs and carry out peer education on visual health.

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